LOCATION: Brattleboro, VT


2022 - 2023: phase 1 site planning and design; pond plantings, meadow installations

2023 - present: phase 2 site planning and design; meadow and planting maintenance

SCOPE OF WORK: site planning and schematic design, planting design, installation and maintenance, invasive species management

TEAM: Princess Pine LLC (landscape designer), Marc Hudson (landscape installation) 

PROJECT OVERVIEW: In Phase 1, we addressed the homeowners' wish to reduce lawn, enhance wildlife habitat and clarify connection to and experience of place on their newly acquired property. An acre of lawn has been converted to meadow complete with a mown path circulation scheme. Lawn around the swimming pond has also been replaced by  planting beds host to a diverse palette of shrubs and perennials. In Phase 2 (ongoing), we are creating a site plan that includes phased detailed design work. The property currently contains multiple buildings for living and working, several ponds, vernal pools, rock outcroppings, a large number of vigorous non-indigenous species, and an orchard. The proposed site plan includes siting a new residence, updating property utilities to renewable energy sources, altered vehicular approach & circulation, viewshed maintenance and establishment, additional meadows, landscape management approaches and the enhancement and establishment of outdoor gathering spaces at a range of scales, through grading, hardscape and planting. 

Early schematic site planning.

Team collaboration on Miro.

Schematic site plan.

Schematic Pond House plans.

Proposed stone terracing.

Proposed side entry.

Sections showing options for grading around the Pond House.

Sections showing proposed grade changes around the Pond House.